X-Server-Uuid: 61104A64-D824-4B68-B798-83ACDDFF86D1
Subject: EAS issue
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 09:21:20 -0500
Thread-Topic: EAS issue
Thread-Index: AcTDQrfrGsvvvk6dQ/Czd13gmMkGOg==
From: "Felgar, Robert" <FelgarR@dsmo.com>
To: steve.herbert@kcrw.org
cc: "Paper, Lew" <PaperL@dsmo.com>
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 05 Nov 2004 14:21:20.0845 (UTC)
X-WSS-ID: 6D9553EA3DG2120124-01-01

Steve, the FCC finally got back to me yesterday about your EAS question.  The Deputy Director of the FCC's Office of Homeland Security informed me that in light of the fact that all programming broadcast by the satellite stations will continue to emanate from a " common control point," the FCC will allow Santa Monica's satellite stations to rebroadcast less than 100 percent of the hub station's programming.  Also, no waiver will be required. 

If you have any questions, please call me at (202) 955-6668.  Thanks. 



X-Server-Uuid: 61104A64-D824-4B68-B798-83ACDDFF86D1
Subject: FW: EAS question
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 14:36:00 -0500
Thread-Topic: EAS question
Thread-Index: AcTGkmm4m2iDorkJTXi9rGEnKNL0qgAAIZ5g
From: "Felgar, Robert" <FelgarR@dsmo.com>
To: steve.herbert@kcrw.org
cc: "Paper, Lew" <PaperL@dsmo.com>
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 09 Nov 2004 19:36:00.0625 (UTC)
X-WSS-ID: 6D8FC3AA3DG2395006-01-01

Below is the email I sent to the FCC.  If there is anything else I can do on this matter, please let me know.

 -----Original Message-----
From:  Felgar, Robert 
Sent:  Tuesday, November 09, 2004 2:29 PM
To:    'gregorycooke@fcc.gov'
Cc:    Paper, Lew
Subject:       EAS question


This email is intended to confirm the opinion your office provided to me regarding an EAS question.  My understanding is that it is your office's position -- based on facts I conveyed to you in an email dated October 19, 2004 -- that since my client's HUB and satellite stations will be served by EAS equipment at one "common studio or control point" that my client does not need to request a waiver of Section 11.11(b) of the rules even though the satellite stations will not be rebroadcasting 100 percent of the HUB stations' programming.  If my understanding is incorrect, please let me know.

Thanks again for your assistance in this matter.

